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Implement a Min-Heap Data Structure in Python - Step-by-Step Guide

Updated: at 02:50 AM

A min-heap is a specialized tree-based data structure used to efficiently maintain the minimum value in a dataset while allowing for quick inserts and extracts. Min-heaps have widespread applications in algorithms and systems that rely on efficient access to minimum values, including Dijkstra’s algorithm, scheduling systems, and graph algorithms.

This how-to guide will provide Python developers with a comprehensive overview of min-heaps and detailed step-by-step instructions for implementing a min-heap class in Python. We will cover min-heap properties, use cases, time complexities, and walk through coding a MinHeap class with insert() and extract_min() methods. Relevant examples and best practices for Python coding style, documentation, and testing will be included.

By the end of this guide, readers should have a strong conceptual understanding of min-heaps and the skills to implement a fully functional min-heap in Python to integrate into their own projects and applications. The information presented aims to be accessible for Python developers at all skill levels.

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Overview of Min-Heaps

A min-heap is a complete binary tree (a tree where all levels are filled except the last) that satisfies the heap property - each node is less than or equal to its child nodes. The root node of the min-heap contains the minimum value in the tree.


Min-heaps have several notable properties:

Use Cases

Due to their structure, min-heaps are extremely useful for the following:

Min-Heap Operations

The two core operations used in a min-heap are:


To insert a new element into the min-heap:

  1. Add the new element to the end of the heap array.

  2. Compare the added element with its parent; if it is less than its parent, swap it.

  3. Continue bubbling the element up, swapping with parents as necessary, until it is no longer less than its parent.

Extract Minimum

To extract the minimum value from the min-heap:

  1. Save the minimum value from the root node.

  2. Move the last element in the heap to the root.

  3. Compare the new root with its children; if greater than either child, swap with the smaller child.

  4. Continue sinking the new root downwards, swapping with smaller children, until the min-heap property is restored.

  5. Return the saved minimum value.

Maintaining the min-heap structure through swaps ensures inserts and extracts take O(log N) time.

Implementing a MinHeap Class in Python

We will now walk through how to implement a MinHeap class in Python containing insert and extract_min methods along with a _bubble_up helper method.

MinHeap Class and Constructor

First we’ll define the overall MinHeap class:

class MinHeap:

    def __init__(self):
        self.heap_list = [None]
        self.count = 0

The constructor initializes the underlying heap list as a Python list containing a None value at index 0. This allows for easier index calculations, since for any node at index k, its children are at 2*k+1 and 2*k+2.

count tracks the number of elements in the heap.

Insert Method

The insert method adds a new element to the heap:

    def insert(self, element):
        self.count += 1

It increments the count, appends the new element to the end of the heap list, and calls _bubble_up to restore the heap structure.

Extract Minimum Method

The extract_min method removes and returns the minimum element:

    def extract_min(self):
        if self.count == 0:
            return None

        min = self.heap_list[1]
        self.heap_list[1] = self.heap_list[-1]
        self.count -= 1

        return min

It first handles the edge case of an empty heap. Otherwise, it saves the root minimum, replaces it with the last element in the heap, decrements the count, and removes the now-duplicated last element. Calling _bubble_down on the new root restores the heap property.

_bubble_up Helper Method

_bubble_up bubbles a new element up to restore the heap structure:

    def _bubble_up(self, index):
        parent = index // 2
        if index <= 1:

        if self.heap_list[index] < self.heap_list[parent]:
            self.heap_list[index], self.heap_list[parent] = self.heap_list[parent], self.heap_list[index]

It swaps the element with its parent if it is less than its parent, and continues recursively bubbling up. Base cases are reaching index 1 or being greater than or equal to the parent.

_bubble_down Helper Method

_bubble_down sinks a new root element downwards:

    def _bubble_down(self, index):
        left = 2 * index
        right = 2 * index + 1
        smallest = index

        if left <= self.count and self.heap_list[left] < self.heap_list[index]:
            smallest = left
        if right <= self.count and self.heap_list[right] < self.heap_list[smallest]:
            smallest = right
        if smallest != index:
            self.heap_list[index], self.heap_list[smallest] = self.heap_list[smallest], self.heap_list[index]

It compares the root to its left and right children, swapping with the smaller child until the heap property is satisfied.

Full Implementation

class MinHeap:

    def __init__(self):
        self.heap_list = [None]
        self.count = 0

    def insert(self, element):
        self.count += 1

    def extract_min(self):
        if self.count == 0:
            return None

        min = self.heap_list[1]
        self.heap_list[1] = self.heap_list[-1]
        self.count -= 1

        return min

    def _bubble_up(self, index):
        parent = index // 2
        if index <= 1:

        if self.heap_list[index] < self.heap_list[parent]:
            self.heap_list[index], self.heap_list[parent] = self.heap_list[parent], self.heap_list[index]

    def _bubble_down(self, index):
        left = 2 * index
        right = 2 * index + 1
        smallest = index

        if left <= self.count and self.heap_list[left] < self.heap_list[index]:
            smallest = left
        if right <= self.count and self.heap_list[right] < self.heap_list[smallest]:
            smallest = right
        if smallest != index:
            self.heap_list[index], self.heap_list[smallest] = self.heap_list[smallest], self.heap_list[index]

This provides a full implementation of insert and extract_min along with the helper methods to maintain the min-heap structure.

Example Usage

We can test our MinHeap class:

min_heap = MinHeap()

print(min_heap.extract_min()) # 2
print(min_heap.extract_min()) # 3
print(min_heap.extract_min()) # 5

This inserts 5 elements, extracts the minimums in order, and prints 2, 3, 5.

Time and Space Complexity

The time complexities of operations on a MinHeap with N elements are:

At most log N swaps are required to bubble up or down to restore the heap structure.

The space complexity is O(N) since we store N heap elements.

Testing the Implementation

To properly test this implementation, we should write unit tests covering typical min-heap use cases and edge cases:

import unittest
from minheap import MinHeap

class TestMinHeap(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_insert(self):
        heap = MinHeap()
        self.assertEqual(heap.heap_list, [None, 4])

        self.assertEqual(heap.heap_list, [None, 3, 10, 4])

        self.assertEqual(heap.heap_list, [None, 1, 3, 4, 10])

    def test_extract_min(self):
        heap = MinHeap()

        self.assertEqual(heap.extract_min(), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(heap.heap_list), 3)
        self.assertEqual(heap.heap_list, [None, 5, 7])

    def test_empty_heap(self):
        heap = MinHeap()

if __name__ == '__main__':

This includes test cases for inserts, extracts, and empty heaps. Running python would run these tests against our implementation.

Alternate Implementations

There are a few variations on min-heap implementations in Python:

Applications of Min-Heaps

Some examples of how min-heaps are used in real systems:


This guide provided a comprehensive walkthrough of min-heaps and how to implement them in Python. We covered the key concepts, properties, operations, and applications of min-heaps. Detailed Python code samples, complexity analysis, testing techniques, and real-world examples were included to give developers a solid technical foundation as well as practical coding skills to build min-heaps. Readers should now have the understanding to integrate min-heaps into their own Python projects to efficiently access minimum values. There are many exciting applications of min-heaps across data structures, algorithms, and systems programming.