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Navigating Python Object-Oriented Programming in Interviews

Updated: at 02:01 AM

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a fundamental concept in Python that allows developers to organize code into modular, reusable objects. Mastering OOP is key for performing well in technical interviews, as interviewers frequently ask candidates to demonstrate their understanding of core OOP principles and write object-oriented code. This comprehensive guide will equip you with strategies and example code for tackling Python OOP interview questions.

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Overview of Key OOP Concepts

Before diving into specific interview questions, let’s review some key object-oriented programming concepts in Python:

Classes and Objects

A class defines the blueprint for creating objects. An object is an instance of a class created from that blueprint. For example:

class Vehicle:
  def __init__(self, make, model, fuel_type):
    self.make = make
    self.model = model
    self.fuel_type = fuel_type

car = Vehicle('Toyota', 'Prius', 'Hybrid')

Here Vehicle is the class, and car is an object instantiated from that class.


Encapsulation involves bundling data and functions within an object, hiding the implementation details from external code. For example, attributes can be made private by prefixing them with double underscores:

class BankAccount:

  def __init__(self, balance):
    self.__balance = balance

This prevents the balance from being directly modified from outside the class.


Inheritance allows a child class to inherit attributes and methods from a parent class, promoting code reuse. For example:

class Vehicle:

  def __init__(self, make, model):
    self.make = make
    self.model = model

  def print_details(self):
    print(f"{self.make} {self.model}")

class Car(Vehicle):

  def __init__(self, make, model, fuel_type):
    super().__init__(make, model)
    self.fuel_type = fuel_type

tesla = Car('Tesla', 'Model S', 'Electric')
tesla.print_details() # Prints "Tesla Model S"

Here Car inherits from Vehicle.


Polymorphism allows custom implementations of inherited methods in child classes. For example:

class Shape:

  def area(self):

class Square(Shape):

  def __init__(self, side):
    self.side = side

  def area(self):
    return self.side ** 2

class Circle(Shape):

  def __init__(self, radius):
    self.radius = radius

  def area(self):
    return 3.14 * (self.radius ** 2)

Square and Circle inherit from Shape but implement custom area() methods.

Common OOP Interview Questions

Let’s now examine some frequent OOP interview questions and model answers:

Q1: Difference Between Class and Instance Attributes

Problem: Explain the difference between class attributes and instance attributes. Provide an example to illustrate your explanation.


Class attributes are attributes that have the same value for all instances of a class. Instance attributes are unique to each instance created from the class.

For example:

class Vehicle:

  wheels = 4 # class attribute

  def __init__(self, make, model):
    self.make = make # instance attribute
    self.model = model # instance attribute

car_1 = Vehicle('Toyota', 'Prius')
car_2 = Vehicle('Tesla', 'Model S')

print(Vehicle.wheels) # Prints 4
print(car_1.wheels) # Prints 4
print(car_2.wheels) # Prints 4

print(car_1.make) # Prints 'Toyota'
print(car_2.make) # Prints 'Tesla'

Here wheels is shared across all Vehicle instances, while make and model are unique to each instance.

Q2: Method Overriding in Inheritance

Problem: Explain method overriding in inheritance. Provide an example illustrating how a child class can override a method from its parent class.


Method overriding allows a child class to provide its own implementation for a method inherited from the parent class. This polymorphic behavior lets child classes specialize the parent class behavior.

For example:

class Shape:

  def area(self):

class Square(Shape):

  def __init__(self, side):
    self.side = side

  def area(self):
    return self.side ** 2

Here Square inherits the area() method from Shape, but provides its own implementation to calculate the area of a square based on its side length. This overrides the parent’s area() method, allowing polymorphic behavior based on the actual object type.

Q3: Private Class Attributes

Problem: Explain the use of private attributes in classes. How can private attributes be accessed from outside the class?


Private attributes in Python are denoted by double leading underscores - for example __private_attr. This mangling prevents the attributes from being accessed directly outside the class.

To access or modify a private attribute from outside the class, Python provides getter and setter methods. For example:

class Person:

  def __init__(self, name):
    self.__name = name

  def get_name(self):
    return self.__name

  def set_name(self, new_name):
    self.__name = new_name

p = Person('John')
print(p.get_name()) # Prints 'John'

print(p.get_name()) # Prints 'Mike'

Here __name is made private, but get_name() and set_name() methods allow indirect access.

Q4: Multiple Inheritance

Problem: How is multiple inheritance supported in Python? Explain possible issues and how to resolve them.


Python supports multiple inheritance, allowing a class to inherit from multiple parent classes. For example:

class Mother:

class Father:

class Child(Mother, Father):

The order of inheritance determines the method resolution order (MRO) used when invoking methods. Issues arise when parents share method names, causing ambiguity.

To resolve such issues, the child class can explicitly call the intended parent method using ParentClass.method(self). Alternatively, the child can override the shared method and invoke the desired parent method within it.

Q5: Composition vs Inheritance

Problem: Explain the difference between composition and inheritance. When is it better to use composition over inheritance?


Inheritance establishes an “is-a” relationship - a child object is a specialized version of the parent object. Composition establishes a “has-a” relationship - an object contains or uses instances of other objects.

Composition is preferred over inheritance when:

For example, a car “has-a” engine, instead of being a type of engine. Here, the car class should contain an Engine instance, not inherit from Engine.

Q6: Implementing a Custom Python Class

Problem: Implement a simple Python class Student with the following:


class Student:

  def __init__(self, name, id): = name = id

  def average(self, marks):
    return sum(marks) / len(marks)

  def print_details(self):
    print(f"Name: {}, ID: {}")
    print(f"Average Marks: {self.average(marks)}")

john = Student("John Doe", "1234")
marks = [70, 85, 90]


This demonstrates encapsulation of data and behaviors within the Student class, along with use of special methods like __init__() and custom methods average() and print_details().

Best Practices for OOP Interview Questions

Follow these tips to master OOP questions in Python interviews:

Practicing these coding best practices during interviews will demonstrate your deep understanding of OOP principles.


This guide covered fundamental object-oriented programming concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, along with example Python code and solutions for common OOP interview questions. Mastering these core OOP principles using properly written, well-tested Python code will help you successfully tackle technical interviews and land your dream job.

The key is understanding not just OOP syntax, but when and why to apply specific techniques. With diligent preparation using the right strategies, you can confidently navigate OOP interview questions in Python.