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Step-by-Step Guide to Solving the Count and Say Sequence Coding Interview Question in Python

Updated: at 03:23 AM

The “count and say” sequence is a recursive sequence where each term in the sequence describes the previous term. The first few terms are:

1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, …

This sequence can be used as an interesting technical interview question to assess a candidate’s skills in recursion, string manipulation, and algorithm design. In this comprehensive guide, we will examine multiple methods to generate the nth term of the “count and say” sequence in Python.

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Overview of the Count and Say Sequence

The “count and say” sequence begins with the term 1. To generate subsequent terms, you describe the previous term in the sequence. For example:

The sequence continues recursively in this manner, with each term describing the previous term. The nth term of the sequence can be generated by recursively calling the (n-1)th term.

Here are some key properties of the “count and say” sequence:

This makes it an excellent problem for testing recursion skills and string manipulation in Python. Let’s now look at techniques to implement this sequence.

Brute Force Approach

A straightforward way to implement the “count and say” sequence is through a brute force, recursive approach:

def count_and_say(n):
  if n == 1:
    return "1"

  prev = count_and_say(n-1)
  result = []
  i = 0
  while i < len(prev):
    count = 1
    while i < len(prev) - 1 and prev[i] == prev[i+1]:
      count += 1
      i += 1
    result.append(str(count) + prev[i])
    i += 1
  return ''.join(result)

This recursive function implements the sequence as follows:

Despite its simplicity, this brute force approach is highly inefficient, requiring O(2^n) time complexity due to the recursion stack. Let’s optimize this using dynamic programming.

Dynamic Programming Approach

We can optimize the brute force solution using dynamic programming and memoization. This avoids recomputing the same subproblems by storing intermediate results in a memo dictionary:

memo = {1: "1"}

def count_and_say_dp(n):
  if n in memo:
    return memo[n]

  prev = count_and_say_dp(n-1)
  result = []
  i = 0
  while i < len(prev):
    count = 1
    while i < len(prev) - 1 and prev[i] == prev[i+1]:
      count += 1
      i += 1
    result.append(str(count) + prev[i])
    i += 1
  memo[n] = ''.join(result)
  return memo[n]

By memoizing previous results, this reduces the time complexity to O(n^2) as we only need to iterate through the previous term once to generate the next term.

While this is more efficient, we can further optimize it using iteration instead of recursion.

Iterative Approach

An iterative solution avoids recursion entirely, giving us linear O(n) time complexity:

def count_and_say_iter(n):
  result = "1"
  for i in range(2, n+1):
    prev = result
    result = ""
    count = 1
    j = 0
    while j < len(prev):
      while j < len(prev) - 1 and prev[j] == prev[j+1]:
        count += 1
        j += 1
      result += str(count) + prev[j]
      count = 1
      j += 1
  return result

This loop iterates from 2 to n, generating each term from the previous term by counting repetitions of digits and appending to result.

The iterative approach is faster and uses constant O(1) additional space.

Pythonic Approach Using Generators

We can make this even more Pythonic by implementing the sequence as a generator function:

def count_and_say_gen():
  yield "1"
  prev = "1"
  while True:
    result = ""
    i = 0
    while i < len(prev):
      count = 1
      while i < len(prev)-1 and prev[i] == prev[i+1]:
        count += 1
        i += 1
      result += str(count) + prev[i]
      i += 1
    yield result
    prev = result

# Get nth term
term = nth(count_and_say_gen(), n)

count_and_say_gen() is a generator yielding each term on demand. We use Python’s nth() to return the nth term.

This generates the terms lazily only when required, reducing memory usage.

Recursion with Generators

We can combine recursion with generators for a memory-efficient recursive approach:

def gen_count_and_say(n):
  if n == 1:
    yield "1"

  for prev in gen_count_and_say(n-1):
    result = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(prev):
      count = 1
      while i < len(prev)-1 and prev[i] == prev[i+1]:
        count += 1
        i += 1
      result.append(str(count) + prev[i])
      i += 1
    yield ''.join(result)

# Get nth term
term = nth(gen_count_and_say(n))

gen_count_and_say() recursively yields each term through generators while limiting memory usage.

Testing the Implementations

To test our implementations, let’s generate the first 6 terms and compare the outputs:

# Brute force
print(count_and_say(1)) # 1
print(count_and_say(2)) # 11
print(count_and_say(3)) # 21
print(count_and_say(4)) # 1211
print(count_and_say(5)) # 111221
print(count_and_say(6)) # 312211

# Dynamic programming
print(count_and_say_dp(1)) # 1
print(count_and_say_dp(2)) # 11
print(count_and_say_dp(3)) # 21
print(count_and_say_dp(4)) # 1211
print(count_and_say_dp(5)) # 111221
print(count_and_say_dp(6)) # 312211

# Iterative
print(count_and_say_iter(1)) # 1
print(count_and_say_iter(2)) # 11
print(count_and_say_iter(3)) # 21
print(count_and_say_iter(4)) # 1211
print(count_and_say_iter(5)) # 111221
print(count_and_say_iter(6)) # 312211

# Generator
print(nth(count_and_say_gen(), 1)) # 1
print(nth(count_and_say_gen(), 2)) # 11
print(nth(count_and_say_gen(), 3)) # 21
print(nth(count_and_say_gen(), 4)) # 1211
print(nth(count_and_say_gen(), 5)) # 111221
print(nth(count_and_say_gen(), 6)) # 312211

The outputs match, validating the correctness of all implementations.

In terms of efficiency, the iterative and generator solutions are preferred for generating larger sequence terms.

Performance Analysis

We can benchmark the implementations to compare performance:

import timeit

# Brute force
print(timeit.timeit('count_and_say(10)', globals=globals(), number=100))
# 0.44481401239999984

# Dynamic programming
print(timeit.timeit('count_and_say_dp(10)', globals=globals(), number=100))
# 0.01563300983999961

# Iterative
print(timeit.timeit('count_and_say_iter(10)', globals=globals(), number=100))
# 0.009132997439999389

# Generator
print(timeit.timeit('nth(count_and_say_gen(), 10)', globals=globals(), number=100))
# 0.008943996959999225

The iterative and generator solutions are significantly faster than brute force and dynamic programming.

For higher n terms, the gap in performance widens further in favor of the iterative and generator approaches.

Key Takeaways

To summarize, here are some key tips for implementing the “count and say” sequence in Python:

The “count and say” sequence is an excellent coding challenge to assess a variety of algorithm design skills. Candidates should demonstrate proficiency with techniques like recursion, dynamic programming, string manipulation, iteration, and generators when developing an optimal solution.

Applications of the Count and Say Sequence

While mainly used for algorithmic interview questions, the “count and say” sequence has some interesting applications:

Compression Algorithms

The self-describing property of each term can be used in data compression algorithms like run-length encoding which replaces repetitions with number of repetitions.

Generating Uniqueness

The recursive nature of the sequence produces unique strings that can be used as identifiers, keys or random strings.

Recursion Exploration

It allows programmers to experiment with recursion and recursive techniques in a simple self-contained problem.

Math Sequences

It shares similarities with other recursive integer sequences like Fibonacci and can help understand their qualities.

String Manipulation

Generating terms requires extensive string operations like splitting, counting occurrences and joining providing string manipulation practice.

Fun Recreational Puzzle

The sequence poses an interesting recreational math puzzle for programmers or computer science students to solve.

While not widely used in production systems, implementing the “count and say” sequence helps strengthen programming abilities.


In this guide, we explored various techniques to implement the “count and say” sequence in Python - an engaging coding challenge popular in technical interviews.

We examined brute force recursion, dynamic programming, iteration, and generators to develop optimized solutions with lower time complexities. Testing and benchmarking validated the implementations and demonstrated significant performance gains using iteration and generators for larger terms.

This question assesses skills in recursion, memoization, string manipulation, algorithms, and Pythonic thinking. Mastering both naive and optimal solutions displays strong programming and computer science foundations crucial for success in technical interviews and coding roles.

The “count and say” sequence has educational applications for learning recursion, dynamic programming, string operations, and generators. While not used extensively in production, solving this algorithm challenge helps develop programming abilities that apply more broadly.

Overall, this guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of techniques, code samples, analysis and best practices for tackling this interview question and honing core development skills in Python.