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Serializing and Deserializing a Binary Tree in Python

Updated: at 04:12 AM

Serializing and deserializing a binary tree is a common technical interview question asked by companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. The goal is to test a candidate’s understanding of data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming.

In this comprehensive guide, we will examine what serialization and deserialization of a binary tree entails, its applications, and provide example Python code snippets to implement serialize and deserialize functions. By the end, readers will have a solid grasp of this key programming concept along with coding best practices using Python.

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What is Serialization and Deserialization?

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a format that can be stored, like a byte stream or text representation. This serialized data can then be saved to a file on disk or sent over a network. The key points about serialization are:

Deserialization is the reverse process that takes serialized data and reconstructs it back into an object. Key aspects regarding deserialization:

Together, serialization and deserialization allow objects to be stored, transmitted, and shared while preserving the internal structure and relationships between object properties.

Applications of Serialization

Some common applications of serialization include:

For data structures like trees, graphs, and linked lists, serialization enables preserving the complex relationships between nodes and elements within such structures.

Serializing a Binary Tree in Python

A binary tree is a hierarchical data structure with each node having up to two child nodes named left and right. Here is an example of a basic BinaryTree class in Python:

class BinaryTree:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

To serialize such a binary tree, we need to convert each BinaryTree node into a string representation that can preserve its structure. This can be done using the depth-first traversal methods - preorder, inorder, and postorder.

Of these, the preorder traversal is the easiest to serialize and deserialize because it enumerates the current node before its child nodes.

Here is an example preorder traversal based serialize function:

def serialize(root):
    serialized_tree = []

    def preorder(node):
        if node:

    return ','.join(serialized_tree)

This serialize function does a preorder traversal of the binary tree. Each node’s value is appended to a list as a string. This list is then joined into a comma separated string that forms the serialized representation of the tree.

For example, serializing the below binary tree using the above function would generate the string “1,2,4,5,3,6,7”:

       /   \
      2     3
     / \   / \
    4   5 6   7

The serialized string compactly represents the structure of the binary tree in a linear form that can be stored or transmitted.

Optimizing Serialization in Python

The serialization can be optimized further using these best practices:

Here is an optimized serialize implementation with these improvements:

def optimized_serialize(root):
  nodes = []

  def preorder(node):
    if node:


  return ' '.join(nodes)

This stores null nodes as ’#’, includes tree length, and uses space as delimiter between node values.

Deserializing a Binary Tree in Python

The deserialize function takes the serialized string and reconstructs the original binary tree from it. This requires parsing the string and recursively generating the tree nodes.

Using the same preorder logic as serialization, we can iterate through the node values in the serialized string and build the tree back up.

Here is an example deserialize implementation:

def deserialize(data):
    values = data.split(',')
    root = reconstruct_tree(values)
    return root

def reconstruct_tree(values):
    value = values.pop(0)
    if value == '#':
        return None
        root = BinaryTree(int(value))
        root.left = reconstruct_tree(values)
        root.right = reconstruct_tree(values)
        return root

It splits the input string on commas to extract node values in order. Then reconstruct_tree() is called recursively to recreate each node and build up the original structure. Null nodes (’#’) are handled properly to re-insert empty left/right child pointers.

Deserialization Best Practices

Some best practices to follow when deserializing binary trees:

Here is an improved deserialize with these practices:

class BinaryTree:
  def __init__(self, value):
    self.value = value
    self.left = None
    self.right = None

  def deserialize(cls, data):
    values = data.split(' ')
    length = int(values.pop(0))

    if len(values) != length:
      raise ValueError('Invalid length')

    root = cls.__reconstruct_tree(values)
    return root

  def __reconstruct_tree(values):
    value = values.pop(0)
    if value == '#':
      return None

    node = BinaryTree(int(value))
    node.left = BinaryTree.__reconstruct_tree(values)
    node.right = BinaryTree.__reconstruct_tree(values)

    return node

This implements deserialization as a class method, handles bad data, and returns the reconstructed tree root node.

Applications of Binary Tree Serialization

Binary tree serialization enables some useful applications:

Overall, serializing binary trees serves as a powerful tool for efficiently processing, storing, and transmitting hierarchical tree data in programs.

Example Code Usage

Here is example code showing how the serialize and deserialize functions can be utilized:

from binarytree import BinaryTree, serialize, deserialize

# Create a sample binary tree
root = BinaryTree(1)
root.left = BinaryTree(2)
root.right = BinaryTree(3)
root.left.left = BinaryTree(4)

print(f'Original Tree:\n{root}')

# Serialize the binary tree
data = serialize(root)
print(f'\nSerialized data: {data}')

# Deserialize back to a BinaryTree
deserialized_root = deserialize(data)
print(f'Deserialized Tree:\n{deserialized_root}')


Original Tree:
   /   \
  2     3

Serialized data: 1,2,4,#,#,3,#,#
Deserialized Tree:
   /   \
  2     3

This shows how to easily serialize a binary tree to a string and then deserialize it back to an equivalent tree structure.


In this guide, we looked at techniques to serialize and deserialize binary trees in Python - a common technical interview question. The key takeaways are:

By mastering binary tree serialization and deserialization in Python, you can efficiently process tree-based data structures for technical programming interviews and software engineering roles.