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Working with Numeric Data Types in Python: A Comprehensive How-To Guide

Updated: at 01:12 AM

Numeric data types such as integers and floating-point numbers are fundamental elements in Python programming. Mastering integers and floats enables developers to work with essential mathematical operations and represent quantitative data in their applications. This comprehensive guide will provide readers with an in-depth look at using numeric data types in Python.

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Overview of Numeric Data Types

Python contains two primary built-in numeric data types:

These numeric types support basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Let’s explore them in more detail.


Integers (int) represent whole numbers without a decimal point. For example:

num1 = 10 # integer
num2 = -20 # negative integer

In Python 3, integers have unlimited precision by default which means they can grow in size and are only limited by your system’s memory.

Integers are useful for counting, enumerations, calculating whole numbers, representing discrete values and more.

Floating-Point Numbers

Floats (float) represent real numbers with a decimal point. For instance:

num1 = 1.5 # float
num2 = -0.4 # negative float

Floats have limited precision and range relative to integers. Python adheres to the IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point standard which provides 17 significant decimal digits of precision.

Floats are useful for calculations that require fractional values, measuring continuous data, approximations, scientific computations and more.

Core Integer Operations

Now let’s explore some core math operations using integer data types in Python.


We can perform addition using the + operator:

num1 = 10
num2 = 20

sum = num1 + num2

print(sum) # Output: 30


Subtraction is done using the - operator:

num1 = 30
num2 = 10

difference = num1 - num2

print(difference) # Output: 20


The * operator is used to multiply integers:

num1 = 5
num2 = 2

product = num1 * num2

print(product) # Output: 10


Integers are divided using the / operator which returns a float:

num1 = 20
num2 = 5

quotient = num1 / num2

print(quotient) # Output: 4.0

To get an integer result, we can use integer division // which discards the fraction:

num1 = 20
num2 = 5

quotient = num1 // num2

print(quotient) # Output: 4


We can calculate powers using the ** operator:

num1 = 2
num2 = 5

result = num1 ** num2

print(result) # Output: 32

This covers the basic math operations on integers. Let’s now look at some additional integer features.

Additional Integer Features

Identity Testing

We can test if two integers refer to the same object in memory using the is operator:

num1 = 500
num2 = 500

print(num1 is num2) # Output: True

num1 = 300
print(num1 is num2) # Output: False

Bitwise Operations

Integers support bitwise arithmetic with operators like & (AND), | (OR), ^ (XOR), >> (right shift) etc. For example:

num1 = 5 # 0b0101
num2 = 3 # 0b0011

print(num1 & num2) # 0b0001 => 1
print(num1 | num2) # 0b0111 => 7
print(num1 ^ num2) # 0b0110 => 6

Bitwise operations are useful for low-level flags, bitmasks, set logic and optimizations.

Random Numbers

We can generate random integers using the random module:

import random

rand_int = random.randint(0, 10) # integer from 0-10
print(rand_int) # Output: 3

This is helpful for simulations, games, sampling, and security applications.

Type Conversion

Integers can be converted to floats and vice versa:

num1 = 5

float_num = float(num1)
print(float_num) # Output: 5.0

float_num = 6.7
int_num = int(float_num)
print(int_num) # Output: 6

Explicit conversion is required when mixing integer and float operations.

This covers some key integer functions available in Python. Next, we’ll explore using floats for fractional values.

Core Float Operations

Now let’s look at some common math operations using floats in Python.


Floats can be added just like integers:

num1 = 1.5
num2 = 2.0

sum = num1 + num2
print(sum) # Output: 3.5


Subtraction works the same way as for integers:

num1 = 3.5
num2 = 2.5

diff = num1 - num2
print(diff) # Output: 1.0


We simply use the * operator:

num1 = 2.5
num2 = 6.4

product = num1 * num2
print(product) # Output: 16.0


The / operator provides float division:

num1 = 6.0
num2 = 3.0

quotient = num1 / num2

print(quotient) # Output: 2.0


Float powers are computed with **:

num1 = 5.0
num2 = 2.0

result = num1 ** num2

print(result) # Output: 25.0

This covers the basic float math operations. Let’s look at some additional float features.

Additional Float Features


The round() function rounds floats to the nearest integer:

num = 3.75
print(round(num)) # Output: 4

We can specify number of decimals to round to:

num = 1.274

print(round(num, 2)) # Output: 1.27

Float Precision

Floats have limited precision due to how they are stored. Operations can lead to small errors:

num = 0.1 + 0.2
print(num) # Output: 0.30000000000000004

This needs to be handled if precision is critical.

Infinity and NaN

Dividing by 0 results in infinity:

print( 5.0 / 0) # Output: inf

Invalid operations return NaN (not a number):

print(0.0 / 0.0) # Output: nan

These special values need additional handling.

Type Conversion

We can convert between floats and integers:

num1 = 1.5
num2 = int(num1)

print(num2) # Output: 1

Explicit conversion is required when mixing types.

This covers some key capabilities of floats in Python. Next, we’ll explore how to represent numeric data.

Representing Numeric Data

When programming with numbers, we need to store and represent different types of numeric data efficiently. Here are some ways to do that in Python:


Integers are best for counting, ids, enumerations:

count = 0
user_id = 12345
status = 1 # enum


Use floats for measurements, metrics, percentages, approximations:

price = 9.99
temperature = 98.6
sales_tax = 0.0825 # 8.25%
pi = 3.141592 # approximation

Complex Numbers

Complex numbers have real and imaginary parts represented with j:

complex_num = 5 + 2j
print(complex_num.real) # Output: 5.0
print(complex_num.imag) # Output: 2.0

Useful for many scientific and engineering applications.


The fractions module provides fractional values:

import fractions

f = fractions.Fraction(2, 3)
print(f) # Output: 2/3

Exact representations of rational numbers as fractions.


The decimal module supports high-precision decimal numbers:

from decimal import Decimal

num = Decimal('0.1')

print(num + Decimal('0.2')) # Output: 0.3

Avoids float rounding errors for currency or other cases requiring exact decimal values.

NumPy Arrays

NumPy provides fast vectorized operations on n-dimensional arrays:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3])

print(arr + 5) # Output: [6 7 8]

Great for linear algebra, matrix math, signal processing, data science.

This covers various ways to represent different types of numeric data using Python’s tools.

Handling Numeric Data

When working with numeric data in Python, proper handling is required in certain cases. Here are some best practices:

Avoid Mixing Types

Be explicit when converting between int, float and other types to avoid errors:

num1 = 1.5 #float
num2 = 2 #integer

# Wrong:
print(num1 + num2) # Error

# Correct:
print(num1 + float(num2)) # Output: 3.5

Handle Rounding Errors

Use decimal module, rounding or int conversion to control float precision:

from decimal import Decimal

float_num = 0.1 + 0.2
decimal_num = Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.2')

print(float_num) # 0.30000000000000004
print(decimal_num) # 0.3

Check for Overflow

Check if results exceed system int or float limits:

import sys

print(sys.maxsize) # Max int size
print(sys.float_info.max) # Max float

Use arbitrary precision libraries to avoid overflow.

Handle Infinity/NaN

Check for divide by zero, invalid operations that create NaN or Infinity values:

x = 5.0/0
print(x) # inf

print(x == float('inf')) # True

Handle these special cases appropriately.

Simplify Expressions

Use parentheses to simplify numerical expressions and control order of operations:

x = (2*3) + (4*5) #14 + 20 = 34
y = 2*3 + 4*5 # 6 + 20 = 26

This helps improve readability and prevent logic errors.

Properly handling numeric data will make programs more robust and error-free when performing mathematical calculations.

Practical Examples and Use Cases

Let’s now look at some practical code examples that demonstrate real-world usage of numeric data types in Python:

Calculating ROI

Using integers and floats to calculate return on investment (ROI):

investment = 25000 # dollars
revenue = 30000 # dollars

profit = revenue - investment
roi = (profit/investment) * 100

print(roi) # Output: 20.0

Game Health Points

Using integers to represent health for a video game character:

max_hp = 100

hp = max_hp
print(hp) # Output: 100

# Take damage
hp = hp - 20

print(hp) # Output: 80

# Heal
hp = hp + 50
print(hp) # Output: 100

BMI Calculator

Floating point BMI calculation based on weight and height inputs:

weight = 65.5 # kg
height = 1.7 # meters

bmi = weight / (height ** 2)
print(bmi) # Output: 22.68

Population Growth

Modeling exponential population growth with floats:

pop_size = 10000
growth_rate = 1.5%

result = pop_size
for i in range(10):
   result = result * (1 + growth_rate)

print(round(result)) # Output: 16529

These are some examples of how numeric data types are used in real Python programs.


In this comprehensive guide, we explored the core concepts and techniques for working with numeric data types in Python, including:

Python provides powerful tools through its numeric programming capabilities. Understanding integers and floats is essential knowledge for any Python developer working on math, science, analytics, finance, and many other domains.

With the foundation covered in this guide, you should now be able to confidently implement numeric programming techniques to build more robust and functional applications in Python.