Dear Argi Denise,
My heart swells with overwhelming affection and pride as I write to you. Argi, you have been a spark of joy in our lives since you became a part of us. Though we do not share DNA, every moment, memory, and shared laughter solidifies that you are my precious little girl.
Today, you stand at the edge of a grand new age - eleven. Just yesterday, you needed help tying your shoes, and now, here you are, almost a teenager. Your fierce spirit, joyous laughter, and curious intellect – the very essence of who you are – have all matured in ways that never cease to amaze your Mama and me.
We know that navigating Grade 5 has been incredible and challenging in equal measure. How do you find science this semester? I remember you mentioning it was your favorite. I was also fascinated by science back in the day. Just like you now, figuring out ‘why and how’ things happen used to intrigue me. And it still does! Remember, it is okay to encounter challenges. They only mean you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and learning.
And speaking of learning, I see how wonderful a big sister you have become to ‘Desmond’. The other day, when he struggled with building his Minecraft creation, you patiently helped him construct it block by block; my heart swelled with pride. You radiate warmth, affection, and guidance that he heavily relies on. Continue being his protective, loving big sister.
As you blossom into a poised and insightful young lady, let me share the values my experiences taught me. Kindness, Argi, has the power to transform the harshest of circumstances into favorable ones. Empathy empowers us to understand and help others, while resilience assures us that no challenge is too big to overcome and that hard work always pays off. I see glimmers of these virtues in your actions every day.
While life is beautiful, it comes with its fair share of adversities. With the lessons Mama and I impart to you, I hope you will navigate these challenges in stride. Remember that stumbling along the way isn’t a failure. Instead, it is a lesson that you must pick yourself back up and keep moving forward.
I see that twinkle in your eye when discussing wanting to become a writer. Live that dream, darling! As stories have a beginning, middle, and end, so do our lives. Embrace your life story and pursue your passion with all the grit and determination I know you possess.
Betwixt all the growth, learning, and challenges, we must always remember to make time for each other as a family. How about we embark on a camping trip, just us four, and create cherishing memories under a starlit sky this weekend?
Equally important is investing time in yourself - in your well-being. Argi, life can sometimes feel like a whirlwind. Remember to pause, breathe, and confide in Mama or me. Our arms and ears are always there for you.
As you continue to navigate this grand voyage called life, remember you will stumble, and that’s okay. We all do. But it’s your resilience to get back up again, the values you hold close, and the steadfast will that will help you flourish. My sweet, strong Argi, no aspiration is too high, no dream too big for you.
Keep exploring, keep learning, and above all else, keep being the uniquely magnificent you. May the years ahead be filled with more joys, challenges, growth, and breathtaking moments than the years behind.
With all my love, your proud father,